Reassign an activity to another member
Sometimes the activity log contains entries that should belong to a different member than the one whose card has been used:
- You worked on equipment on behalf of one of your members.
- You gave a replacement key to a member because they’ve forgotten theirs.
- Someone accidentally used someone else’s key.
Whatever’s the reason, you can reassign that activity to a different member. Any related charges will be recalculated for the new member based on their packages and discounts – just as if they had performed the activity themselves.
There are two ways to reassign the activity: via the activity log or via a member’s charges:
A: Reassign via the activity log
- Locate the activity in the activity log or in the equipment’s "recent activity" list.
- Click on the ellipsis (three dots) a the right side of the activity to show the action menu:
- Select "Change member…" from the action menu.
B: Reassign via a member’s charges
Instead of searching for the activity, you can also go to a member’s charges and reassign an activity & charge from there:
- On the original member’s detail page, click on "Charges & invoices".
- Select an activity charge from the list of charges and click on the ellipsis (three dots) at the right side to show the action menu:
- Select "Move activity & charge to another member…" from the action menu.
Whether you come from the activity or the charge, you should see the "change activity’s member" dialog:
- Search for the member you wish to assign the activity to.
- Click on "Add a note" if you want to keep track of why you’ve reassigned the activity.
- Click on "Change member"
Fabman will keep track of who the original member was, in case you made a mistake or want to look it up later: