Canceling & editing invoices and payments

In case you have issued an invoice for one of your members, Fabman allows you to easily cancel, edit and refund your members.

Here's how to cancel an invoice:

    1. Go to the member's account using the "Memberstab in your admin portal.
    2. Click on "Charges & Invoices".
    3. Click on the invoice you wish to cancel.
    4. Click on "Cancel Invoice".

    Once you have canceled an invoice all the charges in that invoice will be restored to the member's account so you can edit them and create a new invoice if you want:

    Canceling an invoice that was already paid does not automatically issue a refund to the member. To issue a refund for an existing payment:

  1. Go to the member’s detail page.
  2. Select the "Charges & Invoices" tab.
  3. Find the "Recent payments" section and click on the payment you want to refund:
  4. On the payment detail page click on "Delete".

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