Integrate Fabman with other software

Nobody wants to manage member data and other information in several systems simultaneously. Luckily, Fabman is built for extension and offers several options to integrate with existing software or services like ERP, CRM, or accounting solutions:

  • API: Fabman’s full functionality & data is available via our flexible JSON API. This enables you to…
    • automatically query information: "Give me all active members for our space." or "Are there any bookings for the laser cutter tomorrow?",
    • import your existing data, like members, packages, or invoices from another system,
    • automatically update members in Fabman whenever they are edited elsewhere – to keep data in sync across different systems.

    The API is also useful for periodically exporting data and "crunching the numbers" or importing it into other systems. Read our API documentation for more information or experiment with the API right in your browser.

  • Webhooks: Fabman’s Webhooks can send a request to an URL (eg, a script on your web server) whenever something happens in Fabman – someone books a machine, updates a member, cancels a package, or switches on a machine. Webhooks let you automate common tasks or develop two-way synchronizations between Fabman and your other systems (eg., CRM, ERP, or public website). Some examples:
    • Update your CRM when someone adds or edits a member.
    • Notify accounting whenever an invoice is created.
    • Apply special discounts when a charge is created.
    • Send an email to the lab manager whenever certain members start working in the lab.
  • CSV export: You can export important data, such as members or activities, as a standard CSV file via Fabman’s web app (or via the API). CSV files can be imported by most applications, including Microsoft Excel and Google Spreadsheets.

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